Neurodiversity Discussions:

An Introduction to Emotional and Psychological Safety
Thank you for helping us test run this e-learning module before we release it.
We value your unique perspective on how you experience this learning.
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We need your help

Because we can't possibly see or know everything.

What will be expected of me?

We are most curious to know how you experienced this as a diversity and design tester. You are invited to complete this e-learning module as a regular learner to help us identify things that need to be fixed and enhanced.
It is expected to take a maximum of 1-hour to complete, plus about 30-minutes to share your feedback using whichever mode of communication works best for you.

Our Curious Questions

  • Did the platform work properly and was it accessible to you?
  • What made it difficult to learn?
  • Did you learn and get what you needed from the experience?
  • Is the content relevant and inclusive of your lived experience or expertise?
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